Environmental terms of operation of Thisvi industrial area

Dia.Vi.Pe.Thi.V. S.A. implements an Environmental Management System in accordance with international standard ISO 14001:2004. The Company is subject to annual inspections by accredited body in order to achieve continuous improvement of its environmental performance. Additionally, Dia.Vi.Pe.Thi.V. S.A. has taken all the appropriate measures to fully comply with the requirements of the new standard ISO 14001:2015.

The Company in order to comply with existing legislation operates under specific environmental conditions, which are approved by the relevant authorities. Dia.Vi.Pe.Thi.V. S.A. applies all action lines of its environmental license and ensures the implementation of appropriate measures for protecting the environment. At the same time, the Company develops suitable mechanisms aiming at continuous control of the companies established in Thisvi Industrial Area, in regards their compliance with its environmental conditions.

Dia.Vi.Pe.Thi.V. S.A. employs qualified personnel for fulfilling the terms of its environmental license and continuing improving its environmental issues.  Constant personnel training, internal inspections, measurements and analyses, mechanisms and infrastructure developed for protecting the marine environment, creation and conservation of green areas within the industrial area, are some of the basic action lines, the Company follows for improving its environmental footprint.    

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