Town Plans

Thisvi Industrial Area Planning Regulations (GG 56/AA and ΠΘ/12.10.2006) determine the planning parameters for the development of the entire industrial area, on the basis of a relevant planning study.

The Town Plan determines the blocks of buildings that can be constructed under the terms established by the industrial area’s special Planning Regulations, as well as the common and jointly-owned areas serving the industrial area’s businesses and employees.

In particular, the Planning Regulations determine features such as:

  • the terms of buildings construction;
  • the building coefficient;
  • the completeness of the plot;
  • the organized green areas within the Blocks of buildings;
  • the maximum height of buildings;
  • the permitted use of buildings within the Industrial Area.

The Town Plan and the following implementing acts determine:

  • the green areas in the Industrial Area;
  • the roads and sidewalks;
  • the Port Zone;
  • the Building Blocks that owned by Dia.Vi.Pe.Thi.V. S.A., in order to provide community facilities (e.g. wastewater treatment facility, administration building).

For the implementation of the Town Plan, the following Implementation Acts have been issued, which after their transcription into Thisvi Land Registry become final and irreversible:

  • Decision of General Secretary of the Region of Sterea Ellada for the partial ratification of the implementation act of Thisvi Industrial Area Town Plan (PN 13582/1556 / 07.03.2008).
  • Decision of General Secretary of the Region of Sterea Hellas that amended the previous decision (PN 100474/9829/08 / 08.01.2009).
  • Decision of the Decentralized Administration of Thessaly - Sterea Ellada (PN 5008/224451 / 11.12.2014), which completed the ratification of the Implementation Act and applied to the whole of Thisvi Industrial Area.


Thisvi Industrial Area land use

Category of use

Area (sq.m.)


Industrial Blocks






Building blocks for community facilities  (wastewater treatment facility, administration offices)



Green areas



Roads (owned by established companies)






Port Zone







Industrial Area total






Area outside Industrial Area





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